Physical Exam
The FIFA high-intensity test is used by Soccer Québec for referees on the provincial list. This is the main indicator for assessing the fitness of officials. The test is done in two phases and is representative of the energy spent by the referee during a game.
The first phase is a repetition of 6 sprints of 40 meters. The district level referee must do this in 6.8 seconds or less. Between each race, the referee will have a very short rest period, time to return to the starting line. The rider who fails a sprint will have the opportunity to do a seventh. You must pass 6 sprints to pass this test. Time is timed by motion detectors.
The second phase focuses on the cardio of the referees. It is an interval test that is done over a total distance of 4000 meters. Sound indicators direct the runners throughout the test to respect the distances to be covered in a specific time.
Initially, the district level official must run a distance of 75 meters in 18 seconds. The runner must be able to manage the duration of his race well so as not to exceed the time given. It is necessary to arrive in this space, delimited by the cones, after 18 seconds.
Once in this transition zone, the runner must walk a distance of 25 meters in 26 seconds. It is not possible to stop. He must leave for the 75 meters once the time has elapsed. The interval repeats until the end of the test. In total, it's 40 repetitions to do.
This endurance test requires good preparation for the officials. I invite you to watch our video on referee training before a match to prepare well.
The time of this test varies depending on your level of arbitration. The required durations are listed in the document linked below: